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Your generous contribution helps us to celebrate French language, culture and heritage throughout NH… and beyond.
At the Franco-American Centre, our mission is the preservation, celebration and growth of the culture of New England’s French-speaking and French-descended people.
This is a huge task, and we need support to keep it up!
A culture isn’t just a history lesson or a language. It’s a special view of the world, it’s a unique taste for food, it’s fun and it’s complex. Most of all, it explains a little part of yourself. We celebrate the Franco-American culture and share it with our neighbors with NH PoutineFest, French classes and speaking groups, outreach to French-speaking immigrants, films, concerts, parties and more.
It isn’t even enough to do all that, because culture is nothing if it isn’t passed on. So we make a special effort to engage with children and young adults as well as family activity days.
We do this for our members and the public and we feel extremely proud of what we accomplish with a small paid staff, a modest budget and a handful of volunteers.
Your support, whether it’s $300 or $20, has a real effect on our programs, activities and growth. Whether your interest in French culture and language stems from family history or personal exploration, we ask that you please give a gift today to help ensure that the generations that follow will be able to share in the Franco-American story (and consider joining us as a member).