French in NH Schools

In January, the Manchester School District approved funding to launch a French-English immersion program at the elementary level for the 2025-26 school year.
As part of its continuing mission to celebrate French language, culture, and heritage, the Franco-American Centre is committed to matching the first $5,000 raised by the district towards this initiative. Please join us in ensuring the success of this crucial program in New Hampshire’s Queen City, and help cultivate a vibrant, bilingual future for our community!

Merci! Beth Ziniti - Wendy Williams - Ruth Fledermaus - Jan Hennessey - Jennifer Arbour - Theriault Family - Carolyn Phillips - Maurice & Elaine Demers - Hirte Family - Peg Rice - René Sylvestre - Pauline & Ben Martineau - Patrick & Ana Simard - Sylvio & Cecile Dupuis - Adèle Boufford-Baker - Julie Boerger - Emily & Anthony Valle - Nicholas Paquette & Louise Valois - Thank You!

French Heritage Language Program
affectionately know as the Afterschool French Clubs
Currently offered at two Manchester schools, Webster and Northwest, the program engages over 35 students who meet twice a week for one hour after school. The goal is to help students learn French in a fun and interactive way through games and activities.
This initiative is made possible thanks to a generous grant from the Albertine Foundation.
Interested in a club for your school?