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Heritage Friends

Retracing your roots?

Learning about Franco story?

Check out the sites in this category to help you learn more!

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The American-Canadian Genealogical Society (ACGS) is considered the leader in French-Canadian, Franco-American and Acadian Genealogy.  Its mission is to:


  • Foster the study of ancestral origins

  • Encourage research into the history of families

  • Foster high standards of ethics for genealogical research

  • Provide a common access by and for individuals of Acadian, French-Canadian and Franco American origin.

Learn more at

Hosted by Jesse Martineau and Mike Campbell, this Podcast is dedicated to celebrating the stories of the more than 2 million descendants of French-Canadian immigrants living in New England.

For more information, check out their website:  FCLPodcast

Dr. Patrick Lacroix, Historian, is a former Fulbright fellow and a former instructor at Phillips Exeter Academy. He has also taught at postsecondary institutions in New Hampshire, Quebec, and Nova Scotia.  As a scholar of U.S. religious history, Dr. Lacroix studies faith-based activism and its role in twentieth-century political realignments.

Learn more at the website: Querythepast

The Marquis de Lafayette, known to many Americans fondly as simply “Lafayette” was the rock star of his time, loved by Americans for his role working with George Washington during the American Revolution.  Want to learn more about Lafayette and his role in American history?  Check out these resources:




Venez voir le Train de la Reconnaissance Française!


Come see the Merci Train, otherwise known as the French Gratitude Train!  Learn about this wonderful example of peaceful diplomacy and friendship between nations!


The Merci Train was a gift from France to the US in 1948 to thank them for their support during and after WWII.  It carried artifacts of French culture including art, toys, clothing, and much more, with each article labeled with the province it came from and often accompanied by notes of thanks from individual French citizens. 
When it first arrived in America, the train was 49 cars long carrying 250 tons of gifts.  Today, some of these and the cars themselves are still housed by the 40 & 8 veterans’ society.

New Hampshire’s boxcar is one of the best-preserved, standing as a testament to its rich Franco-American culture.  Go see it!

Open by appointment at 136 Reed St, Manchester, NH 03102


To learn more, please visit

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