Lifetime Membership
Lifetime Membership is now available for $600.
This covers membership for you, a spouse and any minor children living in your home (until they turn 18).
Lifetime Membership – $600
Elaine and I are only too happy to support the Franco-American Centre with a Life Membership.
For all we have given to the FAC in time, talent and treasure, we have received much in return. The friendships, the cultural experiences, and educational opportunities are beyond measure. We believe that charity begins at home. As Francos, the FAC is our cultural home. This is why, though we get requests for support from many many other charities, we have decided to make this commitment to the FAC.
$600 for a Life Membership may seem like a lot of money for some. That is very true. But for many among us, it is well within our means if we feel it is worthwhile. Elaine and I submit to you that it is worthwhile and ask that you join us and others in becoming Life Members.
Maurice Demers
Past President & Board Member

Lifetime Members
Adèle Boufford Baker
Thomas & Laureen Colantuono
Alan & Carrie Côté
Hon. Tom DeBlois
Maurice & Elaine Demers
Msgr. Charles DesRuisseaux
Craig Donais
Nancy Gill
Jennifer & Rich Girard
Jennifer Hollingsworth
Raymond & Pauline Houle
Cécile Juneau
Ovide Lamontagne
Richard Lavallière
Carolyn Maheu
James & Lynn Normand
Adam Schoene
Émile & Sue Têtu
Joseph & Joanne Theriault
John Tousignant
Lifetime Membership
600$Â- The Franco-American Centre is offering a Lifetime Membership
- Discounted Admission to FAC events
- Household FAC Membership