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Acadian Heritage Tour of Nova Scotia, Aug 2-7, 2024 (pre-CMA 2024)


Please join some members of the Forest/Foret Family and Richard Laurin of Novacadie Tours for an Acadian Heritage Tour of Nova Scotia. We will follow in the footsteps of the earliest arrivals of the French in Nova Scotia exploring Champlain’s first landing at LaHave, the arrival of first colonists at Port Royal, the settlements along Annapolis River and later settlements in Grand Pre and Pisiquid, major sites from which the Acadians were deported in 1755.  It is a tour of 5 days/6 nights consisting of the following, but not necessarily in chronological order:

The first landing site of Champlain, 1604, at LaHave (La Heve), a National Historic Site known as Fort Ste. Marie de Grace, and now the Fort Point Museum. And walk on a beautiful beach on the Lighthouse Trail and/or stop in Lunenburg, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Habitation, a historic reconstruction, at Port Royal, Champlain’s choice for the first permanent Euro-American settlement north of St. Augustine, Florida (Spain) and two years before the settlement at Jamestown, Virginia (British). It is Canada’s birthplace and the birthplace of the Acadian people who, as colonists, began to arrive in the 1630s (with many surnames familiar to us), and settle along the Annapolis River. There the Acadian families built the first dykes and first grist mill. And they built a relationship with the Mi’kmaq.

Fort Anne National Historic Site in Annapolis Royal, formerly the Fort of Port Royal (French)

The Annapolis Royal Historic Gardens which feature a Mi’kmaq section, and an Acadian section which includes a demonstration of both Acadian and modern dyking techniques used to reclaim and irrigate land.

A drive along the Annapolis River, to experience the landscape, includes a stop at monument to the Battle of Bloody Creek 1757 during French and Indian War where an Acadian and Mi’kmaq militia defeated a detachment of British soldiers. A previous battle occurred there in 1711 during Queen Anne’s War. Dinner included at the End of the Line Pub.

Grand-Pre, a National Historic Site and nearby UNESCO World Heritage Site: “The Landscape of Grand Pre”.  The Acadian families had migrated and settled eastward, away from the English fort, but Grand Pre became a major Deportation Site in 1755. Local villages tour and maybe lobster for lunch.

Falmouth (Pisiquid) and Fort Edward. Some Acadians moved further eastward and settled in Falmouth (Pisiquid) where the English ultimately built another fort. Fort Edward became another major Deportation Site. Included is a visit to a couple of former Acadian villages, a winery and the church cemetery discovered when a new development had broken ground. Included is an Acadian country-style dinner in an apple orchard on the former Breau village site.

A drive along the Glooscap Trail with stops at Burnt Coat Head and view The Bay of Fundy tidal Bore.

Attached is the more detailed itinerary, map and registration information.

For further information:  and search tours and select the Forest-Foret Acadian Heritage, 5-day, Tour or email Emy (Forrest) Thomas at


More information (click to download):



Tour Map

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