The Franco-American Centre is a volunteer driven organization. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of events and activities. Dedicated volunteers are at the foundation of the FAC’s success in promoting French language, culture and heritage throughout New Hampshire and beyond. We encourage anyone who has an interest in helping out to contact us. Some French language skills are helpful but not required. While all skills are appreciated, we are currently actively looking for the following:
On January 18th, we were delighted to express our gratitude in person to some of our incredible volunteers for making 2024 so wonderful. For sharing with your precious time and talent.
We look forward to an amazing 2025 filled with exciting events and opportunities to celebrate and share the French language, culture, and heritage.

Volunteer opportunities
To find out more info about volunteering at the Franco-American Centre, send an email to: info@facnh.com
Volunteers Wanted – Bénévoles Recherchés
The Franco-American Centre (FAC) is a volunteer-based non-profit organization. Volunteers contribute time and talent to share their passion and celebrate French language, culture and heritage in NH and beyond.
Whether a young professional looking to give back to the community, a parent looking to share the value of volunteerism with a family or a retired person looking to share life experience with others, there are many opportunities available.
While most volunteers are within an hour of Greater Manchester, remote opportunities exist for interested people. Our Program Committee usually meets via Zoom and draws volunteers from all around the region.
If you have an interest in one of these areas, the FAC wants you to get involved with our programming. We need “Champions” in the following areas:
Culture of France – Event Coordinator
There are Francophiles and then there are France-o-philes – people who love all things from France. If you are a little of both, this volunteer opportunity may be for you.
Some events that focus on France include:
1) Lafayette Day (May 20) – a celebration of the Marquis de Lafayette and his contributions to the American Revolution.
2) Bastille Day / Fête Nationale du 14 juillet (July 14)
3) Merci Train commemoration / Train de la Reconnaissance Française (Last Sunday in Sept)
4) Beaujolais Nouveau Gala (Saturday before Thanksgiving) – a wine-pairing dinner commemorating the release of the Beaujolais Nouveau wine in France
5) Other France-oriented events
Culture of Québec – Event Coordinator
Celebrating Québec is a daily event at the FAC but some events get even more particular attention.
Some events that focus on Québec include:
1) La Saint-Jean / Fête Nationale du Québec (June 24) – Québec’s national holiday celebration
2) Cabane à Sucre (dates vary – typically in March) – A celebration of Maple Syrup & Quebec Culture
3) Other Quebec-oriented events
Immigrant Outreach Coordinator
The face of French in NH is constantly changing. As an organization founded on an immigrant heritage, we look to celebrate the cultures of new residents from around the Francophone world.
Some events that engage new immigrants include:
1) Camp Bienvenue (summer) – a French/English program introducing immigrant youth to NH culture
2) French Conversation Cafés (variable times) – Gatherings of new and long-time Francophone residents from different cultures to share food, laughter and friendly conversation.
3) Other immigrant-themed events
NHIFAS Lecture Facilitators
The NH Institute for Franco-American Studies (NHIFAS) is a program focused on expanding the community’s understanding and appreciation of the Franco-American experience.
The person(s) in this role will work with the NHIFAS Lecture Coordinator and other volunteers and staff to organize and publicize 1 or more of the 4-6 lectures / workshops on varied topics of interest relating to Franco-American culture and heritage. Typically, these events take place during the academic year (e.g. Sept, Nov, Jan, Mar, May). Tasks include identifying topics/speakers, setting up workshop structure and publicizing events (with marketing team).
French Conversation Group Facilitator
Whether a native-speaker wanting to share love of a first language or a student looking to polish up skills, French conversation groups provide a great avenue for sharing a love of French in a like-minded community.
We are looking for people to facilitate French conversations both in-person and via Zoom.
To get a sense of our French conversation groups, attend a session of Prêt-à-Parler (1st Tues of each month)
Other Areas
Passionate about the French language, culture or heritage? Do you want to help celebrate it? Let us know how and we’ll be happy to chat with you.
To find out more info about volunteering at the Franco-American Centre, send an email to: info@facnh.com